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Cool Tropical Jazz LLC is all about COOL......but as the name implies this site is mainly about some cool music (jazz and other genres) originating from some cool tropical places on this planet. If it's cool, if it's tropical, if it's jazz, you'll find it here.
So we know what's cool, and we know what's tropical, but, do we really know what's jazz? Louis Armstrong answered that question with this. "Man, if you gotta ask you'll never know". Well, just in case you still gotta ask, here's something I found that just might answer that question. The website is "apassion4jazz.net". Click the link below. Real nice site that answers a lot of questions. Now that's cool!!! Real cool!!!!
A Passion for Jazz! History of Jazz music origins, styles and musicians featuring photo gallery, timeline, festivals, webcasts, piano & guitar chords, scales and online lessons.
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