Shave Ice "Snow Cone"Crunchies

Cool? Tropical? Jazz? Well for this blog entry let's forget the jazz and concentrate of what's cool and what's tropical. Now what could be more cool and tropical on a hot summer's day in Hawaii than shaved ice?? Cool and very tropical with all those assorted flavors and colors. Hooo hooo!!!
A few nights ago I was just about to plop myself down and get comfortable on the sofa to watch a little Korean tv (actually I get out voted in choosing what station to watch by the other occupants of our palatial mansion (I'm just kidding here), but actually I've grown to really enjoy watching the historical shows, the daily Korean soap operas, etc., etc., like the King of Siam in the King and I would say). You know, the craze of the islands with all the english subtitles and with all the crying. Well, as is my normal habit when I get home from a day at the office I search high and low in the kitchen for something to munch on. Don't know why I always do this, but when I get home I always seem to get the munchies just like in the younger days when those funny looking cigarettes were somewhat popular. Well lo and behold in a bag from Marukai I found these three bags of cookies that my son and daughter-in-law had just purchased. One bag especially caught my eye. Shave Ice "Snow Cone" Crunchies!!! Hmmmmm, now what was this all about.
Well, like I always do the bag was opened in no time and I was munching on these round one inch bite sized cookies in colors of brown, yellow, orange, red and green (just like shave ice, but hey, where's the blue pineapple color? on a side note isn't it strange that the shave ice syrup for pineapple is blue? or was that vanilla? i could have sworn that pineapple is yellow. oh well). Now the test. Hmmmmmmm. Crunchy, tasty, kind of melts in your mouth. It was interesting, sweet but not too sweet, cruchy (did I say crunch before?) and the taste? Like a cookie version of that kiddie cereal Lucky Charms. Just like that old commercial, betcha can't just eat one, before I knew it that small bag was gone.
My take on these Shave Ice "Snow Cone" Crunchies?? Novel, cute, interesting and makes for a nice "just wanna grind on something" snack. I like these cookies, but then again I like eating period. Pretty cool these cookies with them colors, let's just hope the coloring doesn't have any side effects (just a joke here folks). This is probably just a fad but that's what they said about Baskin and Robins 31 Flavor ice cream stores. Try it folks and let me know what you think. Here's the details on this stuff:
Name on label: Hawaii's Cookie Kitchen Shave Ice "Snow Cone Crunchies"
Manufactured by: The Cookie Kitchen, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Where sold: Marukai for now
p.s. the company also has other types of cookies
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